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Alte Zollstation Landhotel & Traditionswirtshaus


Show availability calendar

Rooms & price

Room 7

single room

current price 92,00 € per unit / night for 1 Pers. (ab 17 Jahre)

The single room in the main building has a 90x200cm box spring bed, satellite TV, refrigerator, telephone, safe and a private bathroom with shower/toilet. WiFi is available in the room free of charge. In the closet there is a special feature that can be illuminated, which was discovered during the extensive renovation work in 2016.

Room Beds: single bed (90-130 cm) Room/holiday flat Equipment: Desk, Heating, Safe, Wooden / Parquet floor, allergy friendly, darkening option, fire alarms or smoke detectors, linen inclusive, minibar, non-smoker, socket near the bed, towels included, wardrobe/closet room/holiday flat bathroom: Free toiletries, Shower, Toilet, hairdryer, toilet paper room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, Telephone, flat-screen TV, satellite TV Room/Holiday flat Accessibility: Level showerPets not allowed Room/Apartment View: quiet street view Apartment: Floor: 1st floor

Possible occupation: 1 person

Availability Calendar

double room

current price 98,00 € per unit / night for 1 Pers. (ab 17 Jahre)

The double rooms are cut differently. All rooms have box spring beds 180x200cm. Facilities include satellite TV, refrigerator, telephone, WiFi and shower/toilet.

Room Beds: large double bed (151-180 cm) Room/holiday flat Equipment: Desk, Heating, Safe, Wooden / Parquet floor, allergy friendly, darkening option, fire alarms or smoke detectors, linen inclusive, minibar, socket near the bed, sofa, towels included, wardrobe/closet room/holiday flat bathroom: Additional toilet, Free toiletries, Shower, Toilet, hairdryer, toilet paper room/holiday flat media and technology: Cable TV, Radio, TV, flat-screen TV, satellite TV Room/Holiday flat Accessibility: Level shower, Upper floor reachable by liftPets not allowed Room/Apartment View: Inner courtyard view, View into the nature Apartment: Floor: 1st floor

Possible occupation: 1-2 persons

Availability Calendar

double room

current price 102,00 € per unit / night for 1 Pers. (ab 17 Jahre)

The double rooms are cut differently. All rooms have box spring beds 180x200cm. Facilities include satellite TV, refrigerator, telephone, WiFi and shower/toilet.

Room Beds: large double bed (151-180 cm) Room/holiday flat Equipment: Desk, Heating, Safe, Wooden / Parquet floor, allergy friendly, darkening option, fire alarms or smoke detectors, linen inclusive, minibar, non-smoker, socket near the bed, towels included, wardrobe/closet room/holiday flat bathroom: Free toiletries, Shower, Toilet, hairdryer, toilet paper room/holiday flat media and technology: Cable TV, Radio, TV, Telephone, flat-screen TV, satellite TV Room/Holiday flat Accessibility: Level showerPets not allowed Room/Apartment View: Inner courtyard view, quiet street view Apartment: Floor: 1st floor

Possible occupation: 1-2 persons

Availability Calendar

family room


The family room offers the possibility to stay for two adults and two children up to 14 years of age. Shower/toilet, TV, WLAN, hairdryer, safe, telephone and minibar are part of the extensive equipment. A box spring bed for the parents and a sofa bed for the little ones to sleep over.

Room Beds: Slepping couch, large double bed (151-180 cm) Room/holiday flat Equipment: Desk, Heating, Safe, Wooden / Parquet floor, allergy friendly, darkening option, fire alarms or smoke detectors, linen inclusive, minibar, non-smoker, socket near the bed, sofa, sofa bed, towels included, wardrobe/closet room/holiday flat bathroom: Free toiletries, Shower, Toilet, hairdryer, toilet paper room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, Telephone, flat-screen TV, satellite TV Room/Holiday flat Accessibility: Level showerPets not allowed Room/Apartment View: quiet street view Apartment: Floor: 1st floor

Availability Calendar

single room

current price 88,00 € per unit / night for 1 Pers. (ab 17 Jahre)

The single room in the Stadl is equipped with a 120x200cm bed. In addition, it offers a desk with seating. Shower/toilet, hairdryer, satellite TV and refrigerator are part of the equipment. The room has windows that cannot be opened, but it is connected to the sensor-controlled fresh air system.

Room Beds: single bed (90-130 cm) Room/holiday flat Equipment: Desk, Heating, Safe, Wooden / Parquet floor, allergy friendly, darkening option, fire alarms or smoke detectors, linen inclusive, minibar, non-smoker, socket near the bed, towels included, wardrobe/closet room/holiday flat bathroom: Free toiletries, Shower, Toilet, hairdryer, toilet paper room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, flat-screen TV, satellite TV Room/Holiday flat Accessibility: Level shower, Upper floor reachable by liftPets not allowed Room/Apartment View: gardenview Apartment: Floor: 1st floor

Possible occupation: 1 person

Availability Calendar

triple room

current price 129,00 € per unit / night for 2 Pers. (ab 17 Jahre)

The 3-bed room has two box spring beds measuring 180x200 and 90x200 cm. The beds are in separate rooms, but without a door between them. Shower/toilet, telephone, safe, refrigerator, WLAN, satellite TV are part of the equipment.

Room Beds: large double bed (151-180 cm), single bed (90-130 cm) Room/holiday flat Equipment: Desk, Heating, Safe, Wooden / Parquet floor, allergy friendly, darkening option, fire alarms or smoke detectors, linen inclusive, minibar, non-smoker, socket near the bed, towels included, wardrobe/closet room/holiday flat bathroom: Free toiletries, Shower, Toilet, hairdryer, toilet paper room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, Telephone, flat-screen TV, satellite TV Room/Holiday flat Accessibility: Level showerPets not allowed Room/Apartment View: quiet street view Apartment: Floor: 1st floor

Possible occupation: 1-3 persons

Availability Calendar

Information service supplier

We speak:


Herzlich Willkommen in der Alten Zollstation, die Alte Zollstation bietet seinen Besuchern 25 hochwertig ausgestattete Zimmer, drei Gaststuben, zwei Biergärten und zwei Gewölberäume für feierliche Anlässe oder Seminare. In den Sommermonaten können Sie auch im freien Frühstücken. Historisch Der bereits im 14. Jahrhundert erbaute und 2016 aufwendig neu restaurierte Landgasthof "Alte Zollstation" befindet sich im Alpenvorland inmitten idyllischer Natur. Durch unsere optimale Lage im Herzen des Chiemgaus und Nahe der Alpen erreichen Sie viele attraktive Ausflugsorte in kürzester Zeit. Der Name unseres Wirtshauses "Alte Zollstation" rührt auf den Wegzoll im Mittelalter zurück. Auf Routen wie dem Römerweg oder der Salzstraße passierten die Reisenden mehrere Zollstellen, an denen geringe Abgaben erhoben wurden. Die "Alte Zollstation" zu Putinhart war dereinst eine Zollstation an der Güldenen Salzstraße. Das Alter der "Tafern von Pittenhart" geht wohl in eine Zeit vor 1200 zurück. Zu dieser Zeit war Pittenhart schon ein Kirchdorf und da gehört auch ein Wirtshaus dazu. Schriftliche Nennung aus dieser Zeit gibt es nicht. Einen kleinen Hinweis aber schon: 1188 schenkte Heitvolk von Velben den Grafen Falkenstein die Kirche in Guntersberg bei Höslwang. In der Urkunde wird Putinhart genannt, vermutlich als Ausstellungsort der Urkunde. Erhaltene historische Ausstattung des Gasthofes Trotz der modernen Umbauten und Renovierung ist einiges an historischer Ausstattung erhalten geblieben: In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Denkmalschutz wurde auch die Farbgestaltung des Gebäudes wiederhergestellt. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist hierbei das Rot der Fensterstöcke zu nennen, dass im Mittelalter das nach außen sichtbare Zeichen von Macht (Zoll), Adel und Wohlstand war. Erwähnenswert ist vor allem die massive Holzbalkendecke im Gastraum "Alte Saline" mit überschobener Brettlage, welche ihrer Kerbschnittverzierung zufolge, Kernbestand des Gebäudes aus dem 16./17. Jahrhundert darstellt und chronologisch auf 1729 (Fälldatum) datiert werden kann. Auf die 1. Hälfte des 19. Jh., d.h. die Zeit vor dem Ausbau von 1862, geht die Haustür in der Ostfassade zurück (Jahreszahl 1843). Von der Tür allerdings ist nur diese hölzerne Lünette noch original erhalten. Das Türblatt und der Stock darunter wurden später erneuert. Zu der Ausstattungsphase nach dem Brand von 1861, charakterisiert durch Stilmerkmale des Historismus, gehören v.a. eine neugotische reich geschnitzte einläufige Holztreppe im Hausflur und die im gleichen Stil gearbeitete, reich verzierte Haustür der Westfassade. Zwei Wandschränke auf der Südseite des Flures, unterschiedlich hoch, aber stilistisch gleich, von denen einer im älteren, der andere im jüngeren Gebäudeteil sitzt, sind dem Wiederaufbau nach dem Brand von 1861 zuzuschreiben. In einer der Putzschichten der Gästezimmer entdeckten die Bauarbeiter einen geradezu dekorativ drapierten mumifizierten Molch. Es wird von einer absichtlichen Einbringung des Tieres aufgrund von Aberglauben an dieser Stelle ausgegangen. Vereinzelt erhalten sind auch historische Fensterelemente mit zeittypischen Winkelbeschlägen. Einen kleinen Wandschrank mit Rautendekor und Fitschenbändern können die Besucher in einem der Gästezimmer bewundern. Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch

Arrival Description

Welcome to the Old Customs Station, the old customs station offers its visitors 25 high-quality rooms, three dining rooms, two beer gardens and two vaulted rooms for festive occasions or seminars. In the summer months you can also have breakfast outdoors. Historical The country inn "Alte Zollstation", which was built in the 14th century and was extensively restored in 2016, is located in the foothills of the Alps in the midst of idyllic nature. Due to our optimal location in the heart of the Chiemgau and close to the Alps, you can reach many attractive excursion destinations in a very short time. The name of our inn "Alte Zollstation" goes back to the wayfare in the Middle Ages. On routes such as the Römerweg or the Salzstraße, travelers passed several customs posts where small taxes were collected. The "old customs station" at Putinhart was once a customs station on the Golden Salt Road. The age of the "Tafern von Pittenhart" probably goes back to a time before 1200. At that time, Pittenhart was already a church village and there was also an inn. There is no written mention of this period. But a small note: in 1188 Heitvolk von Velben gave the church in Guntersberg near Höslwang to Count Falkenstein. Putinhart is named in the document, presumably as the place where the document was issued. Preserved historical furnishings of the inn Despite the modern conversions and renovations, a number of historical features have been preserved: The color scheme of the building was also restored in cooperation with the monument protection. Of particular importance is the red of the window frames, which in the Middle Ages was the visible sign of power (customs), nobility and prosperity. Particularly worth mentioning is the massive wooden beam ceiling in the "Alte Saline" guest room with overlaid boards, which, according to their notched decoration, are the core of the building from the 16th/17th centuries. Century represents and can be chronologically dated to 1729 (falling date). The front door in the east facade dates back to the first half of the 19th century, i.e. before the expansion of 1862 (year 1843). From the door, however, only this wooden bezel has been preserved in its original form. The door leaf and the stick underneath were later renewed. The furnishing phase after the fire of 1861, characterized by stylistic features of historicism, includes above all a neo-Gothic, richly carved single-flight wooden staircase in the hallway and the richly decorated front door of the west facade, made in the same style. Two wall cupboards on the south side of the hallway, different in height but stylistically the same, one in the older part of the building, the other in the younger part, are attributable to the reconstruction after the fire of 1861. In one of the layers of plaster in the guest rooms, the construction workers discovered an almost decoratively draped mummified newt. It is assumed that the animal was brought in intentionally due to superstition at this point. A few historical window elements with angle fittings typical of the time have also been preserved. In one of the guest rooms, visitors can admire a small closet with a diamond pattern and ribbons. We are looking forward to your visit


  • Pets not permitted
  • children welcome

Facilities & information

  • Distance to the beach: 11 km
  • Bike parking
  • Charging station for e-bikes
  • Parking at the house
  • elevator
  • free WIFI (in public areas)
  • free WIFI (in the whole accomodation)
  • free parking
  • hypoallergenic room available
Family offers
  • family rooms
food and drinks
  • Dinner
  • Lunch
  • On-site coffee house
  • Restaurant
  • breakfast
  • breakfast buffet
  • Beer garden
  • regional cuisine
  • vegetarian dishes
  • À-la-carte
  • Number of units: 25
  • total Number of floors in the accomodation: 1
  • total number of beds: 51

We accept the following payment methods:

Bank card EC-Card Euro/Mastercard Maestro VISA

Result from 3 Recommendations

Overall ratings
Points out of 10

outstanding 9,6

Which positive impressions did you have?

Sehr zuvorkommender Service

Which negative impressions did you have?

gemütliche Sitzecke im Zimmer fehlt. Auf der Speisekarte sollten mehr kleine Gerichte angeboten werden

outstanding 9,0 Points
outstanding 10,0 Points
Price/performance ratio
outstanding 9,0 Points
outstanding 10,0 Points
outstanding 10,0 Points

outstanding 9,0

outstanding 10,0 Points
outstanding 10,0 Points
Price/performance ratio
appealing 6,0 Points
outstanding 10,0 Points
outstanding 9,0 Points

good 8,0

Which positive impressions did you have?

Zimmer war schlicht Eingerichtet Bad angenehm groß Dusche perfekt. Frühstück super,Getränke sowie Essen war reichlich. Es gab auch Obst super. Es aus der heutigen Sicht heraus wenn Butter,Marmelade Joghurt und Quark in Schüsseln angerichtet wären. Anstatt einzeln Verpackt.

Which negative impressions did you have?

Es gab keine negative Eindrücken,während des Aufenthalt

good 8,0 Points
No information
Price/performance ratio
good 8,0 Points
good 8,0 Points
good 8,0 Points

Getting there

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Travel information Deutsche Bahn AG

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