Snowshoe fun Ibergeregg
At the top of the Ibergeregg Pass you can take one of the signposted snowshoe tours, depending on your level of fitness. A well-deserved meal at the end (cheese fondue or Älplermagronen) and snowshoe hire are included in the package.
38 CHF
Winter canoe tour
Lake Lucerne in winter? Sure! A unique guided outdoor experience by canoe or kayak.
98,00 CHF
Hiking combination "Rotenflue"
The excursion begins with the mountain bus ride to the Ibergeregg (from Schwyz / Rickebach). On the leisurely hike from the Ibergeregg to the Rotenflue you will find nice mountain restaurants with playgrounds and have wonderful views of the Mythen and the peaks around Muotathal. Finally, the Rotenflue cable car takes you back down to the valley.
18 CHF
with Halffare-Card