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Hotel Reich an der Rems
4 Stars - DEHOGA classified


Information service supplier


Enjoy idyllic nights at the Rems in a family-run hotel (non-smoking-rooms, two rooms suitable for the disabled, family appartment).
Relax in our new restaurant in a cozy mountain style. We offer an honest, young, german kitchen, that tastes extremly good.
At our restaurant you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as a brunch on sundays. There is also a smokers´lounge
with a view on the Rems.

Facilities & information

General hotel features
  • Air conditioning in public areas
  • Non-smoking host
  • Restaurant
  • Terrace
  • WiFi gratuit
  • elevator
  • parking
  • pets permitted
Individual Classification
  • Bed & Bike (ADFC)
Regionale Steuerung Tportal
  • TrustYou


Summary of 81 verified reviews
The TrustYou Meta-Review is a summary of verified reviews from across the web. These summaries use state-of-the-art algorithms to analyze review data and benchmark hotels against each other so you can find and book the perfect hotel.


Excellent hotel. Fantastic service.

"Great restaurant" "Good place to stay"
Food (4.8)
Service (4.3)
Room (3.6)

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Travel information Deutsche Bahn AG

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