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Hotel Alte Mühle GmbH
3 DEHOGA stars - DEHOGA classified


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Rooms & price

Room 3

three bedded room


Room/holiday flat Equipment: allergy friendly, rollaway bed room/holiday flat bathroom: private bathroom, toilet room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, Telephone

Availability Calendar

double room


Room/holiday flat Equipment: allergy friendly, rollaway bed room/holiday flat bathroom: private bathroom, toilet room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, Telephone

Availability Calendar

single room


Room/holiday flat Equipment: allergy friendly room/holiday flat bathroom: private bathroom, toilet room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, Telephone

Availability Calendar
Holiday apartment 1



Room/holiday flat Equipment: allergy friendly, rollaway bed room/holiday flat bathroom: private bathroom, toilet room/holiday flat media and technology: Radio, TV, Telephone

Availability Calendar

Information service supplier


Firstly mentioned in 1279, the grain-mill (a part of the abbey Salem) was built far from the turbulent routine in the city. This hotel ***, located in the landscapes, has much cosiness, confortable guest rooms and a familial atmosphere quite next to the nature protection area Pfrunger-Burgweiler Ried. 35 km distance to the exhibition ground / 22 km distance to Überlingen. All 56 rooms are equipped with shower and toilet, satellite TV with Sky, telephone, lounge and partly with balcony and terrace. Rich and healthy breakfast buffet, in good weather on the sunny terrace. In our inviting restaurant we serve daily (no day off) exclusive fresh natural products of the region and seasonal specialities with homemade breed. Spa area with Finnish sauna, herbs-sole-saunarium, steam bath, infrared cabin, whirlpool, bistro. and winter garden relaxation room. 3 seminar rooms with much daylight and new conference equipment.


Es gelten die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Tourist-Information Friedrichshafen.

Tourist tax information

Die Gäste-Abgabe Friedrichshafen ist in dem angegebenen Preis nicht inkludiert. Die Gäste-Abgabe ist verpflichtend vor Ort zu bezahlen. Sie beträgt ab dem vollendeten 18. Lebensjahr vom 01. April bis 31. Oktober 2,50 EUR, Kinder/Jugendliche (6-18 Jahre) 1,50 EUR und vom 1. November bis 31. März 1,50 EUR, Kinder/Jugendliche (6-18 Jahre) 0,75 EUR pro Person und Nacht. Kinder bis zum vollendeten 6. Lebensjahr, Geschäftsreisende, Behinderte (ab 80%) und ihre Begleitpersonen sind befreit (Stand Januar 2023). Weitere Informationen zur Gäste-Abgabe finden Sie unter Stadt Friedrichshafen: Tourismus  Mit unserer Gästekarte, der ECHT BODENSEE CARD, die Sie bei Anreise von uns erhalten, genießen Sie freie Fahrt mit Bus und Bahn in der Region des Verkehrsverbundes Bodo sowie Vorteile in über 190 Ausflugszielen (nähere Informationen unter Echt Bodensee).

  • Non-smoking accommodation (all public and private areas are non-smoking areas)
  • children welcome
  • pets on request

Facilities & information

  • Table tennis
Family offers
  • Playground
  • high chair
  • Breakfast on request
  • Half board
  • breakfast
  • restaurant
Common areas
  • Barbecue facility
  • Garden
  • Shared lounge
  • play room
  • sunbathing area
  • total number of beds: 140
  • Particularly quiet location
  • bike rental
pool and wellness
  • Sauna
  • Whirlpool
  • wellness offers
  • Bike parking
  • Disabled friendly accommodation
  • Parking at the house
  • bike rental
  • English
  • German
  • Spanish

We accept the following payment methods:

EC-Card Euro/Mastercard VISA

Getting there

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Travel information Deutsche Bahn AG

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