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Airport Hotel 33 Stuttgart-Messe


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Rooms & price

Room 2

Double room with shower/toilet incl. breakfast


In addition to the listed facilities, all rooms include separate storage space for baggage, soundproofed windows which can be opened, a full-length mirror and cost-free WLAN.

Room facilities: Satelite TV, TV, WiFi gratuit, Windows with noise protection, hairdryer sanitary facilities: lavatory and shower

Availability Calendar

Single room with shower/toilet incl. breakfast


In addition to the listed facilities, all rooms include separate storage space for baggage, soundproofed windows which can be opened, a full-length mirror and cost-free WLAN.

Room facilities: Satelite TV, TV, WiFi gratuit, Windows with noise protection, hairdryer sanitary facilities: lavatory and shower

Availability Calendar

Information service supplier


Comfortable familial managed guesthouse in mediterranean style. Our hotel is directly located in Echterdingen and therefore optimally situated for airport-guests and fair-visitors. We offer continuous warm food. Simulcasts of sport events with a big screen.

Directions for public transport

S2 towards “Filderstadt” or S3 towards "Flughafen" till stop "Echterdingen", then 500 m walking-distance.


B27 towards "Echterdingen", at the first cross-way turn right, then 100m on the left side.


Guests arriving outside of these times must contact the hotel in advance to receive a PIN-code for the check-in box, which ensures that 24-hour check-in is possible.

Front desk open Mon-Fri from 2:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Sat, Sun & holidays from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Pets: not allowed

Free WiFi

Parking: free of charge

Directions by public transport from Stuttgart airport

S2 towards "Schorndorf" or S3 towards "Backnang" till stop "Echterdingen", then 500 m walking-distance.

Facilities & information

General hotel features
  • Bar
  • Non-smoking host
  • Terrace
  • WiFi gratuit
  • parking
  • Pets not permitted
  • Groups up to 15 persons
Regionale Steuerung Tportal
  • Leinfelden-Echterdingen
  • TrustYou
Payment Options
  • American Express
  • EC-Card / Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • Payment in cash
  • Visa


Summary of 536 verified reviews
The TrustYou Meta-Review is a summary of verified reviews from across the web. These summaries use state-of-the-art algorithms to analyze review data and benchmark hotels against each other so you can find and book the perfect hotel. Learn more


Fair budget hotel. Close to parking areas and public transportation.

"Nice small budget hotel" "Fast check-out"
Location (4.5)
Service (4.3)
Breakfast (3.0)
Room (2.9)
Cleanliness (2.8)
Food (2.4)
Comfort (2.4)
WiFi (2.3)
Amenities (2.3)

Getting there

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Travel information Deutsche Bahn AG

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