Ferienwohnung Vix


Rooms & price

Holiday apartment 1


Non-smoking apartment, laetely renovated, bus stop in front of the house, sleeping sofa or extra bed for babies available.
Cleaning 10,- Euro.

Weitere Personen auf Anfrage

Equipment: 1 bedroom, Bed linen available, Convertible sofa-bed, Kitchenette, Microwave, Size in sqm: 33, TV, Terrace in room, Towels available Sanitary: Additional lavatory, Toilet, Toilet and bathtub

size (square meter): 33

Information service supplier


Non-smoking apartment, laetely renovated, bus stop in front of the house, sleeping sofa or extra bed for babies available

Facilities & information

  • Internet access
  • Laundry facilities
  • Non-smoking host
  • Wifi
  • Car park
  • Pets on request
  • parking possibilities

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