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Familien willkommen! - eine Familienführung - adult


Treffpunkt: Semperoper, 1. Tür rechts neben dem Haupteingang (Tür 2)

Dauer: 45 min

Please note that a binding confirmation of the tour time can only be made 3 to 4 months before your desired visit date. No liability is assumed for theater-related changes.

*For students and severely disabled people from a GdB of 80 upon presentation of valid authorization. Children up to 6 years of age and persons accompanying severely disabled guests with the "B" mark in their ID card receive free entry.

*family ticket: valid for 2 adults with up to 3 children under 18 years of age 



Route berekenen
Reisinformatie van de Deutsche Bahn

Vul de vertrekplaats in. Voor een nauwkeurige berekening van de afstand kunt u ook de straat en het huisnummer invullen.