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Hotel am Arbach


Show availability calendar

Rooms & price

Room 2

Double room with shower/toilet incl. breakfast


This double room features a balcony, soundproofing and sofa.


Free WiFi is available in all rooms.

Room facilities: Balcony/terrace, Internet access in room, TV, WiFi gratuit, hairdryer, non smoking room sanitary facilities: lavatory and shower

Availability Calendar

Single room with shower/toilet incl. breakfast


This single room features a tile/marble floor and soundproofing


Free WiFi is available in all rooms.

Room facilities: Balcony/terrace, Internet access in room, TV, WiFi gratuit, hairdryer, non smoking room sanitary facilities: lavatory and shower

Availability Calendar

Information service supplier


Free parking, free WIFI, hair-dryer, some rooms are accessible for people with impairments

Directions for public transport

Regional express to Reutlingen or regional train to Reutlingen


Von Süden bzw. Westen kommend verlassen Sie zwischen Pfullingen und Reutlingen die B 312/313 an der Ausfahrt Eningen. Diese macht eine scharfe Rechtskurve und Sie fahren vorbei am Möbelhaus Pocco, geradeaus Richtung Eningen. An der ersten Ampel im Ort biegen Sie rechts ab und folgen der Vorfahrtstraße. 

Von Norden bzw. Osten (Stuttgart/Metzingen) kommend fahren Sie durch Eningen Richtung Reutlingen und biegen nach dem Holz Stumpp links in das Industriegebiet (Arbachtalstraße) ab.


Front Desk open 24 hr

Pets free

Free WiFi

Free parking

Directions by public transport from Stuttgart airport

Expresso bus to stop "Südbahnhof" in Reutlingen, change to bus line 1, exit at bus stop Spitzwiesen

Facilities & information

General hotel features
  • Handicapped accessible
  • Non-smoking host
  • Terrace
  • WiFi gratuit
  • parking
  • pets permitted
Regionale Steuerung Tportal
  • TrustYou
Payment Options
  • EC-Card / Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • Payment in cash
  • Visa


Summary of 48 verified reviews
The TrustYou Meta-Review is a summary of verified reviews from across the web. These summaries use state-of-the-art algorithms to analyze review data and benchmark hotels against each other so you can find and book the perfect hotel.

Very Good

Very good hotel. Great rooms in excellent location.

"Great room" "Very comfortable"
Comfort (5.0)
Cleanliness (5.0)
Room (4.5)
Location (4.2)

Getting there

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Travel information Deutsche Bahn AG

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