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Jugendherberge Ludwigsburg


Show availability calendar

Rooms & price

Room 5

Double room with shower/toilet on each floor incl. breakfast


Room facilities: Coûts WiFi, non smoking room sanitary facilities: lavatory and shower

Availability Calendar

Quadruple room shower/toilet on each floor incl. breakfast

Availability Calendar

Single Bed in Female Dormitory Room incl. breakfast

Availability Calendar

Single Bed in Male Dormitory Room incl. breakfast

Availability Calendar

Single room with shower/toilet on each floor incl. breakfast


Room facilities: Coûts WiFi, non smoking room sanitary facilities: Lavatory and shower on the floor, Washbasin

Availability Calendar

Information service supplier


The hostel is on the eastern outskirts of the town, on the Schlösslefeld field above the Neckar bridge.

The hostel has been certified as being a Cultural|Hostel:
In Cultural|Hostels, children and young people have the opportunity to get to grips with various cultural topics in an experience-driven and contemporary way. The programmes offered allow as much creative freedom for all kinds of age-appropriate expression as possible. This includes the handling of multi-media technologies, video film as well as dance, music and theatre. Wherever possible, in the interests of sustainability, Cultural|Hostels try to take social and global aspects into special consideration in order to support sustainable development. Thus, the various cultural activities lead to an expansion of the minds of children and young people in particular. Creative arts and cultural activities open the horizons of children and young people and thus allow their sustained participation in social development processes. Our aim is to give children and young people the same opportunities to develop and extend their various skills and talents from the very beginning.

The Ludwigsburg Cultural|Hostel team is looking forward to your visit!

Directions for public transport

Please take S-Bahn train 4 or 5 to Ludwigsburg. The hostel is 2.5 km away from Ludwigsburg station.
From there, take the No. 422 bus and get off at "Schlösslefeld".
Walk to the hostel - 300 m. Follow Waliser Straße, then turn diagonally left into Gemsenbergstraße to get to the hostel.


The B27 Stuttgart-Heilbronn road goes through the town. Two exits lead from the A81 Stuttgart-Heilbronn into the city centre. Take the Ludwigsburg-Nord exit, stay on the B27 towards the town centre (Stadtmitte) and then turn left towards Marbach. Once you see Aldi supermarket on the left, take the next right and then right again and drive up the mountain. At the next opportunity turn left into Gemsenbergstraße. The hostel is 30 m down the road on the left.The B27 Stuttgart-Heilbronn road goes through the town. Two exits lead from the A81 Stuttgart-Heilbronn into the city centre. Take the Ludwigsburg-Nord exit, stay on the B27 towards the town centre (Stadtmitte) and then turn left towards Marbach. Once you see Aldi supermarket on the left, take the next right and then right again and drive up the mountain. At the next opportunity turn left into Gemsenbergstraße. The hostel is 30 m down the road on the left.


Front desk open from 6:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Pets: not allowed

Free WiFi: 3x 1/2 hour in 24h or 5.- EUR/24h

Parking: free of charge

All guests need to be members of the DJH (German Youth Hostel Association) or Hostelling International. Membership can be purchased at the reception upon arrival.
It costs EUR 7 per year for German guests up to the age of 26 and EUR 22.50 for families or guests aged 27 and above. Each year from June onwards, membership will be half price for guests purchasing a DJH membership for the first time.

Foreign guests need a Hostelling International Card (EUR 18), if they are not a member of a national Hostelling Federation. For single overnight stays, a Welcome Stamp can be purchased for EUR 3.50.


Directions by public transport from Stuttgart airport

Please take S-Bahn train 2 or 3 to main station Stuttgart. Then take S-Bahn train 4 or 5 to Ludwigsburg. The hostel is 2.5 km away from Ludwigsburg station.
From there, take the No. 422 bus and get off at "Schlösslefeld".
Walk to the hostel - 300 m. Follow Waliser Straße, then turn diagonally left into Gemsenbergstraße to get to the hostel.

Facilities & information

General hotel features
  • Bus parking
  • Coûts WiFi
  • Non-smoking host
  • parking
  • Pets not permitted
Safety and sanitation measures
  • Accommodation is disinfected between stays
  • Adequate ventilation
  • Contactless check in / check out
  • Contactless handover of keys
  • Contactless payment
  • Filling out the registration form in the room/appartment
  • Free cancellation period
  • Guests can indicate that the property will not be cleaned during their stay
  • Hand disinfectant dispenser in general areas
  • Notice signs
  • Protective masks available for guests
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, door handles and handrails
  • Use of cleaning agents effective against the coronavirus
  • Welcoming and informing the guest by phone
Individual Classification
  • Bed & Bike (ADFC)
  • Group 16 - 25 persons
  • Groups 26 - 50 persons
  • Groups 51 - 70 persons
Regionale Steuerung Tportal
  • TrustYou
Payment Options
  • EC-Card / Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • Payment in cash
  • Visa

Getting there

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Travel information Deutsche Bahn AG

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